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Girls Mentor-ship Program

We organize girl's camps during holidays to provide a platform and opportunity for girls to be able to learn life skills, be mentored, and interact with role models to help vulnerable girls identify and address cultural and social barriers likely likely to affect their education.

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Improving Water Access

KNEF supports communities through the construction latrines and underground storage tanks in Marsabit County. KNEF constructs underground tanks, masonry tanks and even support with water trucking during periods of intense droughts.

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Training and handing over certificate to forole women sacco

KNEF works with the women to sensitize them on their rights, gender inequalities and benefits of taking children to school and to empower them economically.

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livestock vaccination campaigns, treatment of animals and diagnosis

Pastoral community residents in Marsabit County have livestock keeping as their major economic activity. Conscious that livestock is the mainstay among st the pastoralists and as part of capacity building and economic empowerment

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Our Services


Over the years, KNEF has implemented programs across several key sectors. We provide a brief summary of key program implemented in the last few years.


KNEF has contributed to building climate resilient schools in Marsabit County to increase demand for primary education. Due to the nature of the environment and related challenges of extreme weather events in Marsabit


KNEF supports communities through the construction latrines and underground storage tanks in Marsabit County. KNEF constructs underground tanks, masonry tanks and even support with water trucking during periods of intense droughts


KNEF has addressed a wide variety of political and governance issues i.e. corruption, civic apathy or post conflict resolution. As well as important social issues


KNEF has implemented peace projects in Marsabit County and with communities across the Kenya-Ethiopia Border. It implemented a cross border peace projects


KNEF works with the women to sensitize them on their rights, gender inequalities and benefits of taking children to school and to empower them economically.

About Us

Kanacho Nomadic Educational foundation (KNEF) is a local non-profit making organization established and registered in Kenya in February, 2009. As one of the leading local organizations, KNEF seeks to complement community and government development efforts to reduce poverty and enhance sustainable livelihoods through natural resource management, improved access to health, water and sanitation, climate change, education, conflict mitigation, natural resource management, livestock and agriculture production. We recognize the need to work with women, adolescent girls, youth, elders and marginalized communities for inclusive development.

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